2025 02.08 | Chance meeting of a Prepared projector and a Violin @ SONOSCOPIA / PORTO https://sonoscopia.pt/en/ (tba) 27.07 | Chance meeting of a Prepared projector and a Violin @ OSSO / CALDAS DA RAINHA https://osso.pt (tba) 24.05 | Probes @ PROCESS FESTIVAL / RIGA https://processfest.lv (tba) 05.04 | Variations for light and shadow @ WIDE OPEN EXPERIMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL / OKLAHOMA CITY MUSEUM OF ART https://wideopeneff.com/2025-full-schedule 12.03 | Le pouvoir de la fiction en science @ LE FRESNOY / TOURCOING https://lefresnoy.net/evenements/le-pouvoir-de-la-fiction/ 2024 12.12 | Expanded @ L'HYBRIDE / LILLE https://lhybride.org/expanded/ 18.09-05-01 | Encoder l'Espace @ CNES - CENTRE DES ARTS / ENGHIEN-LES-BAINS https://cda95.fr/fr/agenda/encoder-lespace 08.07-12.07 | RĂ©sidence @ MAISON FOLIE BEAULIEU / LOMME https://lillemetropole.fr/la-maison-folie-beaulieu 27.03 | Sciences et fictions de l'humain #3 @ CENTRE POMPIDOU / PARIS https://lefresnoy.net/ecole/recherche/ 08.02 | Forum annuel du GDR Vision @ UNIVERSITĂ GRENOBLE ALPES https://forum-vision-2024.sciencesconf.org/518475 05.02 | Art et droit de l'espace extra-atmosphĂšrique @ LE FRESNOY / TOURCOING https://lefresnoy.net/evenements/art-et-droit-de-lespace-extra-atmospherique/ 2023 14.12 | Expanded @ L'HYBRIDE / LILLE https://lhybride.org/expanded-cinema-2023/ 08.12 | Objet OrientĂ© Objet @ FESTIVAL PRISME #6, LABO MIRE / NANTES https://www.mire-exp.org/evenement/images-et-son-part-1/ 06-09.12 | Snow Crystals @ ALTERNATIVE FILM & VIDEO FESTIVAL / BELGRADE https://alternativefilmvideo.substack.com/p/afv-2023-international-competition 30.10 | Anatomie de quelques objets du quotidien, petits et grands, se laissant traverser par la lumiĂšre @ MUZZIX / LILLE https://muzzix.info/LUN19h-Manoeuvres-sentimentales-Olivier-Perriquet 25.10 | Sciences et fictions de l'humain #1 @ LE FRESNOY / TOURCOING https://lefresnoy.net/journee-detude-la-musique-en-effets/ 12-15.10 | Variations for light and shadow @ STRANGLOSCOPE FILM FESTIVAL / FLORIANOPOLIS https://strangloscope.com/officialselection2023 27-30.09 | Variations for light and shadow @ CINEMATECA DO MUSEU DE ARTE MODERNA / RIO DE JANEIRO https://instagram.com/p/CxYkUYQJ3Dy/?img_index=4 23.09 | Cut Noise @ SPECTRAL | AVANT FESTIVAL / KARLSTAD https://avantfilm.se/avant-2023/ 19.09 | Cut Noise @ SPECTRAL | GLADA SPRUTAN / STOCKHOLM https://instagram.com/p/Cw4v0CfMC8m/ 01.09-30.09 | ZĂ©ro @ CRATER-LAB | HANGAR | SPECTRAL / BARCELONE https://crater-lab.org/screen-residencias-2023/ 07.07 | CafĂ© scientifique #4 @ FULBRIGHT FRANCE - HĂTEL DE TALLEYRAND / PARIS https://facebook.com/fulbrightfrance/posts/pfbid02FghdsNw1itbTJQV2DU3XTrkZZTtQdEK47JdpgeUjyH6KoTgjvzf3putJ8GLBHWq2l 25.05-04.06 | Snow Crystals @ VIDEOEX FESTIVAL / ZURICH https://videoex.ch/videoex/festival-2023/programm-2023/international-competition/int-05/ 21.04-17-06 | Close encounters of a remote kind @ JAMESTOWN ARTS CENTER / NEW YORK https://jamestownartcenter.org/exhibitions-past/a-hard-rains-gonna-fall-h4dpd 27.02-05-03 | Bruit dĂ©coupĂ© @ LA GĂNĂRALE / PARIS https://lagenerale.fr/fr/projet/bruit-decoupe 11.02 | Chance meeting of a Prepared projector @ MĂSICA IMPROVISADA - ENSEMBLE MIA / ATOUGUIA DA BALEIA https://facebook.com/events/1420945681991098/ 30.01-12.02 | RĂ©sidence @ LARGO SPACE / PENICHE https://instagram.com/p/Cn9fhCBsqiK/ 16.01 | Rencontre au sujet de l'oeuvre de Carolee Schneemann @ THE FILM GALLERY / PARIS https://facebook.com/events/1140239149959733/ 10.01 | Saisir la possibilitĂ© de la guerre nuclĂ©aire @ LA GĂNĂRALE / PARIS http://mig.fyi 2022 16.11-18.11 | L'humain qui vient @ UNESCO / PARIS https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000383332_fre 16.10-31.10 | RĂ©sidence (curateurs : Jared Hawkey, Natxo Checa, Sofia Oliveira) @ ZAMBUJEIRA DO MAR https://zedosbois.org/en/programa/residencia-artistica-zdb-cada/ 20.06 | Chance meeting of a Prepared projector and a Violin @ ICLI / LISBONNE https://liveinterfaces.ulusofona.pt/installations-and-performances/#OP 12.05-17.07 | Olhos de Ăgua, Cette mer qui nous entoure @ ESPACE LE CARRĂ / LILLE https://artconnexion.org/project/cette-mer-qui-nous-entoure-exposition-collective 29.04 | Objet OrientĂ© Objet @ V2 / ROTTERDAM https://v2.nl/events/ooo-objet-oriente-objet-kunstavond 21.04 | Objet OrientĂ© Objet @ IMAL / BRUXELLES https://imal.org/en/events/if 19.04 | Objet OrientĂ© Objet @ LE 102 / GRENOBLE https://le102.net/event/objet-oriente-objet/ 13.02-24.02 | Objet OrientĂ© Objet @ IMAL / BRUXELLES https://imal.org/fr/events/ooo-residency 2021 28.10-12.11 | Olhos de Ăgua @ RĂSIDENCE ARTCONNEXION & INSTITUT FRANĂAIS / PORTUGAL & AĂORES https://artconnexion.org/project/sandra-gil-et-olivier-perriquet-olhos-de-agua 28.09 | Human Entities 2021: in conversation with Merlin Sheldrake @ PALĂCIO SINEL DE CORDES / LISBONNE https://cada1.net/works/human-entities-2021-merlin-sheldrake/